One thing I have come to know, is that the enemy does not want us to "see" God in the midst of our circumstances. He wants us focused on the tragedy, the crisis, the situation that didn't turn out the way we believed it would; so focused that we miss God in the midst of it. But He is there. The enemy will get us focused on the one thing we feel like we are failing at or falling short in, to help us justify our erroneous perception that God isn't in what we are going through, or worse, that He caused it. God demonstrated His love for us, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. How much more does He desire to save us, rescue us, deliver us, bring us to the other side of whatever storm we are in the midst of. When we focus on who He is, focus on His goodness, His mercy, His grace, His faithfulness, His unchanging nature and character then we are able to perceive, "see" Him in the midst of whatever we are going through.
What you are going through isn't a measure of His love for you. It's Him having made a way to be with you in it. To comfort you, to strengthen you, to give you peace. On the other side of the mess is redemption......God is always about redemption....