Dance With Me

I see the Lord coming to me. I feel His unconditional love, His mercy, His grace. His consuming desire for me! He has chosen me for this dance, but all I can think is, why?  Why are you so drawn to me?  Why do you want me?  Don't you see the filthy rags I see, don't you smell the stench of this flesh, don't you see the impurity of a heart that wasn't set wholly on you? Yet, He wants me still.  He not only longs for my presence, He longs to pour His love on me, for He knows why I sought other lovers.  My gaze must be upon Him, not myself, not my sin, not my failures or weaknesses.  None of that speaks to Him of my heart for Him and He knows that.  You see He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.  He remembers how we are made, He remembers that we are dust. 

Can you relate? Have you had an experience that has left you still feeling shame and guilt of knowing your heart was not totally set on Him.   Have you experienced a season where your ability to perceive His presence, His nearness to you left you feeling vulnerable? Vulnerable enough to occupy yourself with things that previously were no longer a part of your life.  Not necessarily 'bad' things, but as Paul said, all things (may) be lawful, but not all things are expedient.  He knows the tears we shed over falling short of His glory.  He has loved us with an everlasting love and has drawn us with His loving-kindness.  

I see a room full of people wanting so much for Him to pick them to dance with.  I see people whose garments 'appear' perfect; no spot, no wrinkle, nothing that seems less than what He would desire. But He sees beyond the outward appearance, He sees their hearts.  He sees their pride, their self righteousness and the lack of sorrow over it.  He sees the lack of true desire to be what He desires for himself.  He has made us worthy of His love, His attention, His gaze, His care, His provision.  His blood alone is enough in this place.  This is the Jesus I know, and the Jesus I desire for everyone to know. 


One thing I have come to know, is that the enemy does not want us to "see" God in the midst of our circumstances.  He wants us focused on the tragedy, the crisis, the situation that didn't turn out the way we believed it would; so focused that we miss God in the midst of it.  But He is there. The enemy will get us focused on the one thing we feel like we are failing at or falling short in, to help us justify our erroneous perception that God isn't in what we are going through, or worse, that He caused it.  God demonstrated His love for us, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  How much more does He desire to save us, rescue us, deliver us, bring us to the other side of whatever storm we are in the midst of. When we focus on who He is, focus on His goodness, His mercy, His grace, His faithfulness, His unchanging nature and character then we are able to perceive, "see" Him in the midst of whatever we are going through.  
What you are going through isn't a measure of His love for you.  It's Him having made a way to be with you in it.  To comfort you, to strengthen you, to give you peace.  On the other side of the mess is redemption......God is always about redemption....
Hence we expect that our hope 
will not be disappointed 
on this occasion as before. 
Yet I watch my dreams melt away 
like snow upon a sunlit floor.
Becoming liquid, flowing with the Spirit; 
carried to the ocean, taken up again
Granted to fall as showers upon the harvest
Awaiting the appointed time of the Lord
Watering the souls of earth 
To bring forth the glory of God
Through travail and spiritual birth.
Those who hope in the Lord 
Shall not be disappointed. 

Whether we like it or not, the times in the valley are necessary for our spiritual growth. The vegetation that grows in the valley is not the same as that which grows during our seasons on the mountain. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  The physical realm is a similitude of the spiritual realm and  just as with physical fruit, spiritual fruit requires different climates and environments to grow and mature. So it is with us. Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall  reap a "harvest" if we do not lose heart. (Galatians 6:9). And there is the challenge, not to lose heart while in the valley or a season of pruning.  If we abide in the Vine, it is all working for our good. JESUS said, "you did not chose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you".  (John 15:16) 

Journal November 2, 2016

Fallow Ground Continued

My previous post was the revealing of my heart in a state of grief on a particular day.  The good news is that Jesus doesn't leave us there and I would be remiss to not also offer the hope that He has offered me following that post. Despite how we may feel on any given day God has given us promises in His word that address anything we will ever face in this life. We must remember our reality is based not on how we feel, or what our circumstances are but on the Word that remains forever.  

There is much given to us in the Word on grief and fruit bearing as well.  Below are some of the scriptures He has given me.  I have also put a link to a poem called The Gardener.  I have several I have written that deal with God being the gardener, Jesus being the vine and us being the branches.

Isaiah 53 states that Jesus himself bore our griefs and carried our sorrows, while Isaiah 61 tells us that He is the Anointed One sent to heal the brokenhearted and to comfort all who mourn. 

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion-- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:1-3

But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD....Jeremiah 31:17

The desolate land will be cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass through it. They will say, "This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited." Then the nations around you that remain will know that I the LORD have rebuilt what was destroyed and have replanted what was desolate. I the LORD have spoken, and I will do it.'  Ezekiel 36:34-36

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.  John 15:1-2

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 
John 15:16

The Pruning

My Father is the Gardener the Bible tells me so
But how long must I look like this I’d really like to know
You see I was a withered branch grafted into the vine
And though my boughs were beautiful 
I was pruned by love Divine
My Father is the Gardener and really wants to see
More fruit of love upon this branch 
as His word has commanded me
So with the greatest thought and care 
He’s cut into His branch
He knows exactly what to prune 
and where to put His shears
Yes my Father is the Gardener who’s not looking at today
But glancing at the years to come and the fruit I’ll bear one day
When He prunes a branch He loves it will appear its dead
But my Father is the Gardener I do not need to dread
For when the winter is over and flowers come bursting forth
The season of singing will come 
and the pruning will show its worth
Where once it looked like death, new life will appear
The breath of God will again be seen 
like the morning mist so clear
The Bridegroom will come and call for 
His wind from the north and south, 
Come blow upon this garden and send its fragrance out
My Father is the Gardener who pruned you with love Divine
How delightful is your love now My sister and My bride!
The fragrance of your perfume better than any spice.
The perfume of your garment brings forth the aroma of life.
Yes, my Father is the Gardener I will surrender and will wait
For the winter to be over and death no more my state
My Father is the Gardener and through me wants to show
His splendor and His glory to those who do not know
You see I have been chosen to bear fruit that is Divine
For God has said it is by your love 
that they will know you’re Mine
This is why the pruning, this is why the pain,
For people to see My love for them is the reason that I came
Sharon Trumps

I don’t want my relationship with Jesus to be defined by the circumstances of my life. My life isn’t my circumstances, it is Him, and He is above all of the things I encounter or walk through in the day to day of my life. Have you ever felt like you were in a season encompassed by situations that were beyond your control that ended up lasting for much longer than you expected?  Then it seems, at least for me sometimes, that instead of your relationship with Christ being about His love for you and your love for Him the circumstances are like some big elephant that’s just there with you all the time even when your spending time with Him. 

The whole purpose of Him coming and His sacrifice was love, but the reality of that so easily gets lost in the winter seasons of life. Sometimes I have to remind myself that Jesus is in the winter season as much as in the spring, summer and fall. They are all necessary for the development and growth of fruit which is what He has appointed for us to bring forth. The funny thing is that the only way a branch can produce fruit is by just abiding in the vine and the only real way to abide is by surrendering.  When the branch has been pruned and looks so barren it is still just as much a part of the vine as it is when its boughs are full of wonderful sweet fruit that is not only seen but smelled.

Father, how easy it is to lose sight that you are the Gardener, the one doing the pruning and You love the branches just as much when they have been pruned and appear almost dead as You do when they are bearing fruit. At times I become so preoccupied with the state of being pruned I lose sight of you in the process. I am sorry. Your love for us has nothing to do with the circumstances of life being good or bad. It is easy to forget that sometimes, especially if we feel guilty for the pruning that is going on because we forget that we must be pruned in order to become more fruitful. 

Calling Us By Name

I see a door standing open in heaven
And I hear the voice of God
Calling his sons and daughters
To appear before His throne.
He is summoning each one of us
Calling us my name
He wants our full attention
That we will not live the same.
"Come up here, come up here to the place you are to dwell
For the water you are seeking 
is only found in Me who is the well.
I am the well of living water that never shall run dry
It is My water only that will satisfy.
I want the rivers in you to overflow their banks, for
The move of My spirit that's coming won't be about your rank.
Each one of you has been equipped 
for the task that is at hand
to manifest My authority and power 
so My Kingdom can advance.
For you are the called and chosen
By the One who rules and reigns 
over all principality and power
Who has the Name above all names.
Will you answer the call you're hearing
To come boldly to My throne
For there is a move of My spirit coming
Unlike any man has ever known.
It's not coming down from heaven
but from your rivers that are within
And the weight of My glory upon you is where it will begin.
There is nothing that will escape these rivers as they flow
My question to you is, "Are you willing to let go?"
Of what was comfortable and what was safe
From the season that was before, 
for these are what will keep you From the open door.
The place I have assigned to you
Isn't by chance or happenstance
But by the wisdom of the Lord who wants you to advance.
To overtake the darkness that's coming on the earth
Not just rest in the comfort of knowing
You have had a spiritual birth.
Sharon Trumps

The Kingdom of God

There is a kingdom we do not see
that dwells within you and me.
It is the kingdom of God which I speak
It’s not a kingdom in the sweet by and by
somewhere beyond a starlit sky.
But the kingdom that dwells in the depths of our heart
God by his Spirit did impart.
When we surrender our lives to the Creator of man
we enter in to the unfolding of Gods eternal plan
Of this kingdom there will be no end
and to become great in His kingdom
then your knee you must bend.
For he who would be greatest among you
must become servant of all
to those who are willing this is the call.
The kingdom of God of which I speak
is not for the proud and arrogant, but the meek.
It’s not for those who want to look wise,
but those who are willing to sell all they have
to possess a pearl of great price
that can’t even be seen by human eyes.
To possess this kingdom you must understand
you cannot follow the wisdom of man.
For the world in its wisdom crucified the Lord
and the preaching of the cross is totally absurd.
But God in his wisdom redeemed mankind
through the foolishness of what was preached
to those who are willing to trust and believe.
Yes, there is a kingdom that flesh and blood cannot inherit
but only obtained through Gods spirit. 
To possess this kingdom that’s not of this earth
there has to be a spiritual birth.
When you’re willing to confess you are dying in your sin
and invite Jesus as your savior The King of Glory to come in
He will wash away your past and give you eyes to see
His kingdom that will last for all eternity.
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