• The Kingdom

    The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
    Matthew 13:44-46 

    Kingdom Poem

    The treasure is Jesus. He is the kingdom within. The rule and reign of Christ in me and my life is the kingdom manifesting in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said the Kingdom of God is  within you. I realize now that to possess the kingdom there is no area of my life that can be off limits to Christ’s rule and reign. Every area must come under the authority of the King; everything has to be rightly aligned according to the blueprint of the Kingdom. I can’t have His rule and reign in one area but lock him out of another. I will never possess the kingdom in the measure He wants with that kind of mentality. 

         I have been thinking a lot about being rightly aligned in order that there can be a fuller manifestation of the kingdom in my life and I feel like we are currently living with some circumstances that have created a wall of sorts that hinders that. I doubt we are unlike a lot of people who truly seek the manifestation of the kingdom in their lives. It is a process, not an overnight sensation. The problem is, while it is good that my desire for the kingdom has superseded my desire to just maintain the status quo and keep everything comfortable and safe (at one time I couldn’t even say that) I can’t entreat Jesus to knock the wall down and then not give him permission to do it the way He sees fit. After all He is the King and it is His kingdom that I am seeking to possess. It’s like I am saying “Jesus please demolish this wall but would you mind dismantling it a brick at a time instead of using a wrecking ball.” I know some of you are laughing because you have felt the same way. So glad He has a sense of humor!
         There cannot be a full manifestation of the kingdom without proper alignment; that alignment being our submission to His authority. Not the superficial submission of one who gives mental ascent to the authority of Jesus but the submission brought about as a result of being intimately acquainted with the King. The kingdom will be made manifest in proportion to the measure of our submission to His authority. We want the benefits of His Kingdom rule and reign without paying the price of submitting to His rule and reign. But once we become intimately acquainted with the King of the Kingdom submission to His authority is not an issue for we realize that His rule and reign is built upon a foundation of love and humility, not lording it over us.

    My Prayer:
    I don’t know what it will look like or what my life will look like, but one thing I know, I can’t live without you. You aren’t the main thing, you are the only thing. All I think about lately is you, your kingdom and eternity and how much I long to make a difference. I can have all kinds of noble deeds and lofty ideals but without your Presence it is all for naught. Church history has proven that again and again. Even though my flesh trembles and my knees quake, I want you, all of you and all you desire to do through me and my life. I just keep laying myself down at your feet on the threshing floor and saying have your way, spread your garment over me and have your way. Man may not like me, people may reject me and talk about me but what difference does it make, if I have you I have everything, everything else is all for naught without you. I don’t want to be someone who can talk all about you and even sound like I know you, if there is no substance, no manifestation of the reality of what I say, what does it matter? I don’t know why but I have this burning passion to be one of those who was unashamed and unapologetic of you and your presence. You are God, you are everything and the only thing that matters. It is in you that we live and move and have our being. Amen.

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