As I began working on this blog titled Unveiled I have been pondering the whole "unveiled" concept and just how much of our life and relationships are encompassed by this. Not only our relationship with Jesus but with each other as well. It is a thread that can be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves and then proceed to hide from the Presence of the Lord. In the thousands of years since not much has changed, and unfortunately that is a reality not reserved just for the "unsaved" but one that is running rampant in the body of Christ.
Aside from the freedom Jesus has purchased for us from sin and its effects on us the biggest freedom he has procured for us is the liberty to stand in the truth of who we are in light of who He is. It is a reality given to the ones who grasp in their hearts and not just their heads the unconditional love of God as revealed in Christ and the realization that all of our worth and value is from Him. Realizing that liberates us from having to live some pseudo Christian life. We no longer feel the burden of having to pretend to be something we are not, not only to others but to God and even more so to ourselves. We are masters at deceiving ourselves and the sad part is that when we are in the middle of it we don't realize it. The Word tells us that "perfect love casts out fear and that he who fears is not made perfect in love". One of the reasons we live out of a pseudo Christian persona is because we fear rejection. We fear rejection by God, by others, and even ourselves because we don't live up to our own expectations. Let's face it, when someone has to write a book titled "How to Succeed at Being Yourself" (this is one of Joyce Myers most recent which I mention only for credit not out of sarcasm) that ought to tell us something about how much bondage the church is in trying to live up to some false pretense of what it means to be a "Christian". One of the biggest problems with all of this inability to be "real" with God and with ourselves is that God is looking for worshippers who will worship him in Spirit and in truth and second, the picture we paint to the world is that we are loved by God because we have it "all together". Clearly if that were the case Jesus wouldn't have needed to come in the first place. We rob God of glory that rightfully belongs to Him when we don't live out of a place of authenticity. He is merciful and compassionate, He is gracious and kind, not because we live so holy, not because we live up to some man made list of rules better than someone else (isn't that what Jesus scolded the Pharisees for) but because He is who He is. His love for us is out of who He is and when we make ourselves try to look like something we are not we paint a false picture of the one we are to be representing.