Living in America often causes us to have a western civilized perception of what the abundant life in Jesus looks like and as a result we often visualize money and material possessions as the highest and best God as our provider can give us. I have come to the belief more than ever after this past year this is a lie of the enemy. God’s provision comes in so many other forms and I for one am so grateful that He has given the grace to let go of preconceived ideas and pictures of what His provision looks like or what it may look like when He shows up on our behalf.
In Matthew 14: 22-33 when the disciples were in the boat being tossed about by the waves because the wind was contrary Jesus came to them but they were afraid at first and didn't recognize him. Peter asks for a confirmation from Jesus and it's interesting to me that Peter got out of the boat while the wind was still blowing. Did you ever wonder why didn't Peter just ask Jesus to calm the wind to prove it was him? Just a thought but there comes a time when we realize the presence of Jesus doesn't just affect the atmosphere it will also affect us, a time when we will desire more than just having Him calm the boisterous winds of a situation we are in that's causing us to be tossed to and fro, and like Peter we will want to walk with Jesus even in the wind.
Sometimes the greater blessing we receive isn’t in Jesus calming the storm but in giving us the ability to walk on the water with Him in the midst of it. This past year has taught me that more than ever. It is just our nature if we are going through some adversity to assume what the evidence of Gods Presence is going to look like. There have been times during financial hardship He has shown up in the form of a monetary blessing but that isn't the only way. One of the greatest blessings He has given has been a measure of peace and joy that is beyond understanding. And even greater still is the ability to perceive Him because I have learned to look outside the box I have been guilty of trying to make Him fit in.
In Matthew 14: 22-33 when the disciples were in the boat being tossed about by the waves because the wind was contrary Jesus came to them but they were afraid at first and didn't recognize him. Peter asks for a confirmation from Jesus and it's interesting to me that Peter got out of the boat while the wind was still blowing. Did you ever wonder why didn't Peter just ask Jesus to calm the wind to prove it was him? Just a thought but there comes a time when we realize the presence of Jesus doesn't just affect the atmosphere it will also affect us, a time when we will desire more than just having Him calm the boisterous winds of a situation we are in that's causing us to be tossed to and fro, and like Peter we will want to walk with Jesus even in the wind.
Sometimes the greater blessing we receive isn’t in Jesus calming the storm but in giving us the ability to walk on the water with Him in the midst of it. This past year has taught me that more than ever. It is just our nature if we are going through some adversity to assume what the evidence of Gods Presence is going to look like. There have been times during financial hardship He has shown up in the form of a monetary blessing but that isn't the only way. One of the greatest blessings He has given has been a measure of peace and joy that is beyond understanding. And even greater still is the ability to perceive Him because I have learned to look outside the box I have been guilty of trying to make Him fit in.
You might be wondering as was I what any of that has to do with Christmas. Then I realized it has everything to do with Christmas. Jesus being born in a stable probably wasn’t exactly what those awaiting the fulfillment of God’s promise of the Messiah expected. Yet, Jesus is the greatest manifestation God has ever given of His Presence. When you look at the events from a purely earthly perspective that surrounded the conception and birth of Christ, I don’t imagine much looked or seemed anything like they expected from a God who is holy and righteous, in fact probably just the opposite. I can only imagine what must have gone through Mary's mind having to go to Bethlehem for a census. I don't know about you, but I would probably have been a little confused. After all, I would think God knows how pregnant I am why in the world wouldn't He make the census for another time. Then having to lay your baby in a manger which was actually a feeding trough for the animals after you give birth in a stable used to house them in the first place. It would seem God forgot they needed a place to stay. But these are just two of many contradictions they would face. But from God’s perspective it is a completely different scene.
How often do we look at how God provides or intervenes and at first don’t see His hand in what is going on in our lives? Especially if we fear our circumstances being scrutinized by others as not possibly being from God, which more than likely was the situation surrounding Mary and Joseph. In the midst of all that appeared in the natural to be “going wrong” God was fulfilling many prophecies concerning the coming of His son. And only those with the eyes of faith to see were able to receive what He brought, just as with us. I pray He will give you eyes to “see” Him in the midst of whatever situation you find yourself at Christmas this year. Remember, He is Immanuel, “God With Us”, but sometimes we just don’t recognize Him.