• This Is A Test

        Recently I was at a place where I just felt stuck spiritually speaking. We have all been there at one time or another. No matter what I did nothing seemed to work. We all do that too you know, run through the usual list of our ‘religious rituals’ in hopes that possibly by some means of magic, whatever is stuck will be dislodged, kind of like performing the Heimlich maneuver on someone who is choking. I did get unstuck but it wasn’t quite so dramatic. After searching my heart I realized I needed to forgive myself for some things, after searching some more I realized I needed to forgive God for some things. Ouch! I found myself upset about a situation that simply seemed beyond time to be over. On top of that I had in the past prayed some specific things, that had God answered a different way would have made the situation avoidable all together.

         Maybe you can relate. But that was precisely the point. I was trying to avoid going through something that God knows is necessary if I am going to fulfill what I have been put on this earth to do. When I have been at this same place before I went the opposite direction He was going because the road He was headed on didn’t look all that appealing to me to be honest. That is part of what I had to forgive myself for, not going through His way and now having to retake the test all over again.

         I have found that all of us are at different places on our journey in all the different areas of our lives. You might be in the Promised Land in one area, yet find yourself wandering in the wilderness in another, like me. The key is to not to deceive yourself and not to allow the enemy to come and put guilt or condemnation on you.

         The truth is if God allowed us to be content to only live up to what we believe our potential is we would never reach our destiny. He knows what he has put on the inside of us, and he knows what it will take for it to come out.

         Years ago I used to love to hear the testimonies of missionaries that would come to church and I often dreamed of the day I would have them myself. The problem is you know if there is a testimony, then there is a test, and usually one that a lot of us would rather avoid. The thing about missionaries is, because of the environment they are in, they don’t usually have that choice.

         You see, years ago when given this test I had tons of zeal in the Lord and zip amount of knowledge and thought I had a better idea, ha! Sad to say I got mad at God over having to take it again. This time though He has arranged things in such a way so that I have no choice but to go through His way.I guess He really wants to see me pass this one. I am not mad anymore, now that I understand, but I don’t know that would have been the case had I not been honest with Him about what was going on. I am not talking about grumbling and complaining like the Israelites did in the wilderness, that was a way of life for them and it cost them years of wandering. I have learned there is a difference between grumbling and complaining verses simply having a lack of understanding, which by the way is often due to our perspective not being the same as Gods. If we want His perspective then we have to be honest about what is going on in our hearts and not pretend out of religious pretense because in our pride we don’t want to appear to be less spiritual than we think we are. Kudos to you if you never do that, I on the other hand seem slow to learn sometimes.

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