Born of a virgin, sent from above
Laid in a manger, the Son of God's love
To a people in darkness He freed long ago
Bet even with this they still didn’t know
He was the Messiah that was promised to come
Yet they doubted and questioned if He was the One.
He came in humility, meekness and love
Not what they expected at the birth of God's Son
They didn’t understand the reflection they saw
Of the heart of the Father in the face of His Son.
God's glory disguised in frail human flesh
to show us Gods love is why He was sent.
They looked for a hero who was great in their eyes
To wipe away tears and take away sighs
Groaning under the weight of their sin
Not yet understanding by faith we come in
To the kingdom of God prepared long ago
That will first reign in hearts before it will show
God kept His word and fulfilled what He said
For Jesus is the seed that bruised satans head
He restored mans authority to rule and to reign
He took on our guilt and freed us from shame
We again walk with Father in the cool of the day
Through Jesus the Truth the Life and the Way
His name is Immanuel, God dwelling with man
In frail human flesh for this was His plan
To reconcile to himself all those who receive
The gift of His Son and chose to believe.
Jesus is the Messiah God promised would come
The radiance of God’s glory and only begotten Son.