Nehemiah 4:20 “Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet,
rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.”
rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.”
This verse is taken from the story of when the Israelites were rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem under the direction of Nehemiah the prophet. While the undertaking of the task was initiated by God it wasn’t without opposition, and as anyone knows who has taken it upon themselves to do what God has put in their heart we too are met with opposition. At times we can get discouraged as they did and at times our strength can wane causing us to wonder if we even heard from the Lord. It is important that we don’t allow the presence of opposition turn us away from whatever God has told us to set our hand to. Even Jesus was opposed and he was the Son of God.
What catches my attention most are the words, “Our God will fight for us.” I am overwhelmed at the thought that we have a God who will fight for us, one who goes to battle against our enemies that want to take us down. Imagine: the noblest fighting for the ignoble, the Most High fighting for the lowest. Sometimes it is hard to grasp that our God is a warrior who wars on our behalf, who protects us, delivers us, keeps us safe. While at the same time He is a loving Father who provides for us, who takes us up to sit in His lap and talks to us to help us understand things just like a parent would take their child and help them to understand that their perception of what they see and hear isn’t always correct. We are no different. Sometimes our perception is skewed because of our level of spiritual maturity or lack of experience.