Recently I attended a service where the minister spoke of openings, doors and gates in the Spirit for us to enter into the glory of God. As I was thinking about what he said I was reminded of two dreams I was given by the Lord to reveal to me something about my purpose on earth which I knew was tied to what this man spoke about and as I was meditating on that suddenly I was caught up in the Spirit and saw a wave I had seen in a prior vision several years ago (see below). This wave is a golden peach color encompassing and yet suspended over the earth. I knew it was a wave of Gods glory that is coming but as I continued to look I also saw on earth a sea wall which is designed to keep the ocean water from getting on land where it is not wanted and the Lord showed me that this is a wall of religious resistance seeking to keep the wave of His glory from going forth to flood the land. Then I saw that there is not one wave but ‘waves’ coming that will increase in intensity and frequency that will not only flow over this wall of resistance but eventually destroy it. As the waves came forth the water/glory was moving onto the streets and up through buildings and neighborhoods going to the lowest parts first and as it filled these the level began to rise and get deeper and deeper. Next I saw ships coming after the waves, as I thought about these ships He revealed to me that these are vessels He is sending that can only be transported on the glory just as ships only move on the water. I saw them going through the streets and in between buildings into neighborhoods just like the water. The water/glory is going to move debris, move blockages, move hindrances so it can move forth and the level will increase so there is enough for these ships/vessels to move freely and will travel to places some will say they cannot go. They will say ships never go there but where the glory goes the vessels will go. I saw wind blowing that is being created by angels to propel the vessels forward on the glory. I saw people rejoicing as these ships came saying, “We have been praying and praying wondering when you would come." These vessels are people who have been reserved by God for such a time as this. Vessels that are pure and undefiled to carry provisions of all kinds that have also been reserved for this time.
Then I heard the Lord say, “Do not look to the past for your future, do not look to what has been for what is to come, for behold I am doing a new thing you have not heard of before, you have not seen before. Make way, make way, make way, for behold I am coming, I am coming, I am coming. My ear has not been deaf, My eyes have not been blind My heart has not been hardened but it has been about timing, My timing says the Lord, not your timing. Do not give up, do not give in, do not stop pressing in for that which has been resisting is weakening and will give way to the waves that are coming.”