The problem with me is that I want the adventure of living by faith but I am not always so thrilled about the risk. Recently I made a decision that was really a step of faith but after seeking the Lord felt certain it was what He wanted me to do. The problem is that after the fact a situation arose that caused me to question if I had missed Him. I stayed unsettled for too long as far as I am concerned until the Lord showed me what was wrong. He told me you want to come out on the limb with Me but at the same time you want Me to promise you I won’t saw it off. If you are going to trust me to get out on the limb then you must trust what I chose to do once you are there. You see once I find a level of uncertainty I am comfortable with Jesus always comes along and says go further.
When my relationship with Him becomes obscured it is often because I am not walking in agreement with where He has me at a given point in time. Maybe you can relate. I am always amazed at how simple it is yet why I could not see it before I do not know. It’s like yes I want to follow you but ….. How many examples are given in the word of those who wanted to follow but with conditions attached?
Following Him must always be about who we are following and never about the outcome. Because we have lived in the world so long sometimes we are deceived into thinking this is reality when that is a lie, and so are all the ways of this worlds system we use to justify our disobedience. To be sure our loyalty to Jesus will be put to the test in a number of ways because He wants us to know what is more important to us, our relationship with Him or a false sense of security.
More often than not I have found the thing Jesus is after in me is getting me to be still and trust and not think that I have to do something. Waiting can be so hard sometimes. I have yet to meet anyone who finds it enjoyable. Doing nothing can be hard because that is not the way of our culture and certainly not the way in which I was raised. Again, there is that dying to self thing. Geez, it never goes away.