God could have left David on a hillside keeping his daddy's sheep, but he had something better. God could have left him as a singer of psalms and a composer of hymns, but God had something better. God could have contented David with being a musician and expert on animal husbandry, but God had something better.
God loved David so much that God wanted to develop David's full potential. In order to do that, he had to put David into positions where he was challenged to many choices and decisions. Sometimes he chose right and sometimes he chose wrong, but it was in the choosing that he grew beyond his present capacity...... He trusted a God who loved him and could see in him what he hadn't seen in himself, a God who loved him too much to let him settle for less. Excerpt from an article by Bishop Vashti McKenzie.
Have you ever looked back and surveyed how far the Lord has brought you? If so, have you also realized He did it with your cooperation? After reading the article this excerpt came from, I was overwhelmed with the sense of God’s love in the midst of what has been several months of very trying times for me and my family. The thought that the Lord “will see to it” is what came to me, not just in the sense of providing which is often what we associate that phrase with, but that He “will see to it” in the sense of allowing whatever is necessary in order for us to come into being what He has created us to be, not because He is mad at us but because He loves us. However, most of the time when we are in the midst of the test or trial the thought that we are in this because God loves us isn’t usually what comes to mind. It is unfortunate that the “modern day” version of the gospel has left little room for God acting out of love to allow anything bad to happen to us. Often times the problem is that we focus too much on us rather than what He wants to accomplish through us on behalf of someone else. Look at the life of Jesus, and we know He loved him.
I thought about different situations and circumstances I have been in over the years, some brought about by the plan of the enemy but more often than not they were brought about by decisions I made because I didn’t trust the Lord enough to follow His decision for me. Interestingly enough I have also seen that He didn’t leave me there to fend for myself in the consequences of those decisions, He is too merciful for that. He has also demonstrated His mercy towards me in seeing to it that whatever was lost as a result of those decisions or circumstances He has a way of bringing back by allowing things to happen in such a way that I am given the opportunity to make the right decision. The right decision that I refer to is the one whereby His will is accomplished and the desires of our heart are fulfilled. I often find that the desires of my heart, the ones that line up with His word, His nature, His character unfortunately require changes in the natural I am uncomfortable with. Have you noticed the same thing? You know that what you desire is right but sometimes the resolve to do what is necessary to bring that about isn’t what it needs to be. So what does He do? He sees to it that the changes that are necessary are made by the circumstances He allows to come into our lives or by using the ones that come as a result of wrong decisions we have made. You know He doesn’t waste anything, talk about recycling!
I suppose some people would not see that as a good thing but knowing His heart has helped me more and more to be able to see things differently than I used to. Realizing that He does this actually makes me feel loved, cared for and safe, but I have to choose that. Let’s face it, sometimes we face situations that will cause us to question God’s love for us and His concern for us when the truth is that it is out of His love for us that He allows certain things to happen.
You know sometimes we can be our own worst enemy, He knows that too. Aren’t you glad He doesn’t side with our enemies even when it is us? So, if you are one of the many people facing a circumstance or situation that seems to scream at you that God doesn’t love you or care about you or this “thing” wouldn’t be going on. My suggestion based on past experience is to get in a quiet place and ask Him to give you His perspective on what you are going through, you might be quite surprised at how differently you see things. The worst possible consequence of any circumstance or situation is for our perception of Him and His love for us to be altered to any degree from the truth. Could it be that sometimes the problem is that our perception of love is jaded?