A Valentine
This is a story about the making of a Valentine.
Not just any Valentine, but a Valentine to end all time.
A Valentine that would truly be the expression of the reality
of true love.
You see this is a story about the Valentine sent to us from God above.
This Valentine wasn’t sent by chance, nor was it by happenstance.
But with the greatest thought and care, our Father God set out to prepare
the perfect Valentine.
One that would cry from the depths of His heart “I want you to be Mine”!
God knew all along that it wasn’t going to be easy,
because He made the Serpent and knew that he was sleazy.
He knew that He would pay the price of giving the ultimate sacrifice
to make this Valentine.
“But”, He said, “it will be worth it all to have a love that is truly Divine”.
“Son”, He said, “Although you’re mine you have been promised to another.
So to get you from here to there I will need a suitable mother.
One that is a descendant from the Royal line,
one that will accept a seed that is Divine.
At first you may not understand the workings of my holy plan
in sending you to earth, or the need for you to experience a fleshly birth.
But in time you will see, this that has been done
concerning you my Son is to make you a Valentine.
And in the end you will look at the Church and say”,
““Father, can you believe she’s mine””!
“Because of the blood that you will shed, a pure and holy seed will be bred,
and she will be your Bride.
But just as it was with Adam, she must be taken from your side.
For you see, she will be flesh of your flesh and bone of your bone
And it will be that you two shall be one.
So it will be a Valentine for all eternity, arranged and secured in every part,
for this is truly from My heart.
Will you be My Valentine?
Will you show the world My love?
Can they see My Son from above growing inside of you?
If you are My Valentine, then you too are of the Royal line
and the seed you carry is Divine.
You too may not always understand the workings of My holy plan.
But one day you will see, that I am yours and you are Mine
and that makes us one for eternity”!
Sharon Trumps