• Wilderness

    Well it has been a while since my last post. While I can say part of it is because it is the end of the school year and beginning of summer and the unusual busyness that seems to accompany that, it isn’t really the main reason I have not written anything. To be honest I have been walking through a very dry and dark season, otherwise known as the wilderness, and if you have ever experienced that even if only briefly, you know part of that isn’t just the circumstances you may be going through but as well the seeming inability to find Gods presence on a consistent level in the midst of it. Not fun, yet for anyone who will ever be put in service for the Lord very necessary.

    In a few previous posts I allude to being in a wilderness place and the reality is that it has lasted much longer than I expected and has been harder than previous wilderness seasons. The comforting thing is that I know I am not alone as I have talked with other believers who are undergoing the same testing of their faith. Maybe you are there yourself right now, and if so, be encouraged that many in the body are under going the same tests and trials as well.

    While the desire of my heart is to be completely open and honest in what I write, the truth is, that it is something I must chose. Every time I sit down at my computer to share what is on my heart I must make the choice to be transparent at the risk of being judged, rather than put on some pseudo spiritual front to portray myself as being something I am not and unfortunately even for me during this season that has been a decision harder to make than at other times. But as the Lord has graciously reminded me, it isn’t about me, it is all about Him.
    The bible tells us that Gods eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth seeking those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. One of the questions Jesus has been asking me and maybe you as well is, “Will you trust me no matter what?” You see it is easy to trust when everything is going our way, but the reality is things are not always going to go the way we want or think they should and it isn’t because God doesn’t love us. What if your lights get shut off, will you still trust me? What if you come home to find an eviction notice on your door because you are behind on rent, will you still trust me? What if they come and take your car, will you still trust me? What if you receive a notice that the bank wants your house back, will you still trust me? And on and on the list goes of things that you or I might experience during these times of such economic upheaval. And yet through it all God is asking, “Will you still trust me no matter what it looks like or how you feel? As I have said once before I am well aware of the fact that the Kingdom of God isn’t in a recession, and I will be first in line to tell you that it is God’s will to prosper you, but going through times of testing is a part of every believer’s life no matter what the economy is doing. And there is always the danger of trying to hide what we are going through for fear of being seen as being “less than” because our physical circumstances are portraying what is happening in the world rather than what is going on in heaven. However, it is how we go through hard circumstances that manifest His character and nature, not the absence of them.
    It is an unfortunate thing but for too long more than a few preachers and teachers have portrayed God as being one who doesn’t ever let his children suffer or go through anything bad and as a result the faith of so many in the church is in danger of being shipwrecked because of it. The word tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust alike, it has nothing to do with whether or not we belong to Him. It also tells us to count it all joy when we fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. Evidently He thinks I need more than I previously possessed. I will be so glad when He decides I have enough!  It is easy to love and easy to trust when everything is to our liking, not only with God but even with other people. But consider this; don’t you want to know that those who say they love you love you no matter what? That they love you even when you don’t measure up to their expectations? Well, believe it or not God is the same way in a manner of speaking. He wants to know that we love Him for who He is and not just what He does and like it or not He will test us to find out.

    The Word is full of examples of people who God put to the test before putting them into His service. Moses is one who literally spent years on the back side of the desert until God appeared to him in a burning bush. Then there is Joseph who ended up spending years in prison for a crime he never committed. And then there is David who was hunted by the very king whose office he would one day take over and that isn’t the end of names who could be put on the list. All of these had their faith tested, and while we would like to think we could escape such experiences ourselves, the truth is sooner or later we will all be tested that God may know what is in our hearts, whether or not we will obey Him.

    May the words of Paul in Romans 8 be an encouragement to you as they have been to me where he says, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” That glory is the very image of Christ himself that we are being conformed to in our suffering as God works all things together for the good of us who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

    I do not want to give the impression that God is all about suffering, quite the contrary. But suffering because of hard circumstances and situations in difficult times is a part of life and isn’t it good to know that when you belong to Jesus it isn't for naught.

     Poem-Trust                                       Song-I Will Trust You Lord
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