• The Dungeon

    As I look back over my life and the decisions I have made I realize more and more that I served the greater need to feel safe rather than take the risk of following my heart, of following a desire set deep within me of the life I was made to live. I was always told to think with my head, not my heart. Unfortunately the advice came from a well meaning person whose own dreams never came to fruition, advising me out of the desire to spare me the pain of living in the dungeon that had then become her existence. The problem is that it is our heart that knows the way to the palace, not our head. But pursing that life requires taking risks that my heart as not yet whole could not bare up under with the logic of my mind telling me that the other road was not only safer but would lead to a much better place. Anytime we do this there is only one place that road will lead, and that is to a dungeon, and unfortunately it can take a while before you realize that is where you ended up. And it takes even longer before you are willing to admit it not just to yourself but to the only one who can bring you out of it and that is Jesus. Besides ending up in the dungeon you end up feeling guilty for it once you realize that you sacrificed your dream on the alter of playing it safe, especially if you are aware that your dream was His dream for you. There are times and places in life when playing it safe will suffice, but more often than not, to arrive at the life God has set as a dream in your heart will require you to forgo the “let’s play it safe” mentality that has led many a person and their heart to a life of mediocrity. As Taco Bell says, the road of mediocrity is littered with ketchup packets. You know, the people who put ketchup on everything, including their tacos. I imagine at some point it wouldn’t matter what you were eating, you might be meeting a physical need, but everything would taste kind of the same.

    One thing I have learned; no matter what you do to a dungeon, it is still a dungeon. You can paint the walls, even put up wallpaper, you can put up curtains assuming your dungeon has windows, most do not, even put expensive furniture in it, but the bottom line is, a dungeon is a dungeon is a dungeon. It is still dark, damp and reeks of mildew and the worst part is when you realize this is not the place God intended for your heart to rest and out of guilt you try to ignore it.

    No matter how long you have been in the dungeon of lost dreams and ambitions you will never be there long enough for God to not be able to turn your darkness into light. Even now he will rouse himself on your behalf to restore you to your rightful place. Job 7:6 But the first step is being willing to admit that you’re not in your rightful place. He knows us better than we know ourselves and contrary to what the enemy would have us believe, He isn’t mad or disappointed. He remembers that we are dust. Sometimes we think we are waiting on God to rescue us when in fact He is waiting on us to be honest about where our hearts have been.
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