• The Goodness Of God

    Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the goodness of God. I’ve been dwelling on it actually, and being overwhelmed by it as well. I realize more and more how we see ourselves is critical when it comes to becoming what He has created us to be. When you read the account of creation you see that God called everything that he created “good”, that includes us.

    We are commanded to take possession of the land God has assigned to us, but that is impossible if, like the Israelites we see ourselves based on our past or even our present external circumstances rather than how God sees us based on what he has created us to be. He told Abraham in Genesis 17:5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. This repeated in Romans 4:17 but in addition it says “in the presence of Him whom he (Abraham) believed- God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did; who contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken. God spoke to Abraham according to what he had already created him to be and Abraham became what God said by believing. He believed what God spoke more than what his physical circumstances were saying at the time.

    I dare say that we are no different. Everything we receive, we receive by faith. Believing what God has said, more than what circumstances say, more than what other people say or have said is the only way we will obtain the promises of God. It is unfortunate that a religious spirit has infiltrated the church and propagated a widely adhered to doctrine of false humility causing many to not know the intimacy with God for which they were created.

    The Word says that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, yet sadly this is where many live out their lives, always feeling guilty and down on themselves. This is not our Fathers heart towards us at all which is what makes what Jesus did for us all the more amazing. Believing what God says about us and our life is essential to walking in daily communion and intimacy with Him. God is truth, what he says is the truth, if we want to really walk with Him then we must walk in truth. The devil absolutely does not want us to see ourselves as God does because he knows that once we do it will be much harder for him to kill, steal and destroy. I must admit that when I am not seeing myself as God does it is virtually impossible to receive all the goodness that he wants to manifest in my life.

    More and more I also believe that as His people we have an obligation for the sake of those who have yet to know Him to become what he has created us to be. We owe it to God for Jesus’ sake to do our part to be conformed to His image. The goodness of God is beyond our ability to comprehend with our natural mind, but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit, and he wants to manifest that goodness in us and through us. We rob Him of that if we are not willing to read and meditate on the word of God so that our minds are renewed according to truth which in turn will transform how we see God and how we see ourselves. Our lives are a manifestation of what we really believe in our hearts, whether we want to admit it or not. For the sake of those who are in a season of testing and trials, or in the wilderness or a dark cold winter, I am referring to the whole of our life, not a snapshot.

    It thrills the heart of Father to bless us and love on us, let’s not rob Him of that pleasure because we refuse to receive by faith. It takes faith to believe for it, but it also takes faith to receive from Him what he desires to give. It is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom, so much so that He sacrificed His only son to make it possible.

    He is absolutely crazy in love with you and has so much he wants to do for
    you. Would you by faith just tell Him that you open your heart and receive everything He desires to give you. Then get ready to be amazed at what he does! And remember, the greatest thing he can give you is His Presence. 
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