I read a comment recently that stated “The purpose for everything you are going through is to conform you to the image of Christ”. This is the "good" being referred to in Romans 8:28-29 All things work together for good to those who love God and our called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firsborn among many bretheren.
I know the first thing that came to your mind as you read the words “conform you to the image of Christ” is about crucifying your flesh and dying to yourself. Am I right? But is that the only thing that comes to your mind?
It used to be the only thing that came to my mind for many years, and sad to say I have been in some circles over the years that it almost seems to be a competition over who can crucify their flesh and die to themselves better. Is that not sad? But that is an incomplete picture. There is more to being conformed to His image than just dying to self and crucifying our flesh. Not to take anything away from the importance of that but if that is all being conformed to His image means to us we miss the total image of who He is. God is also taking everything we go through to teach us to rule and reign, to be an overcomer, to be victorious instead of being a victim. It’s equally about learning to live for God in every aspect of our life, just as Christ did. It’s about having our identity rooted in God as our Father, having an intimate relationship with Him and thus understanding the power and authority Jesus has given us to bring the kingdom of God into the midst of men, just as He did.
Yes, being conformed to His image is about dying to ourselves but the purpose is so that the Life of Christ can be made manifest through us.