Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
I don’t know about you, but every now and then I feel like Jesus put this in the word just for me. Obviously God knows our propensity to forget our relationship with Him is founded completely on the blood of Jesus. It isn’t something we intend to do it just happens, especially when we are going through a dark season with little or no understanding and perhaps think we missed it somewhere. This is where I have been for too long in my opinion. The dark season is bad enough but unbearable when we lose sight of His grace in the process. I don’t know anyone who ‘walks’ with God who doesn’t experience these times and yet despite having been through them before I always seem to end up laboring rather than resting which will really wear you out.
This morning as I listened to a song titled ‘Jesus Paid It All’, the reality of its message brought me back to Him and to His rest. I took my inability to understand and figure out what is going on and why as a sign that my love for Him is less than it should be (first of all it depends on His love for us, not the other way around) that if I love Him like I should and if I am being the Christian I am supposed to be I wouldn’t have periods where I can’t seem to find my way or don’t understand the circumstances I am in or more what it is God wants me ‘to do’ in them. That is usually where I get into trouble, when I think that I can ‘do’ something to fix it. When the only thing I need to do is trust Gods character and nature in the face of circumstances that seem contrary to what I know to be the truth.
There is a verse in an old hymn that I have thought much about lately that says, “When darkness veils his lovely face I rest in his unchanging grace.” That right there says it all. People who walk with God do so because they trust Him, not because everything is ‘hunky dory’ all the time, but because even when it’s not they trust His heart.