No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; or else the new piece pulls away from the old, and the tear is made worse. No one pours new wine into an old wine skin; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins. Mark 2:21-22
There are two things that the spirit has been doing in me and showing me that I realize totally relate to this passage of scripture. One is the renewing of my mind concerning self image and prosperity, and the other is about self image again but concerning how I spend my life day to day.
I saw a girl driving a very old dilapidated car the other day and couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. I briefly thought how nice it would be to have enough money to change that for her when the Lord began to show me how that unless the mindset which got her in the position she is in is changed, giving her a new car would only be a temporary change. It wouldn’t be long until she ended up with the car she was given in the same shape because what needs to be changed isn’t her outward situation as much as what is going on inside her head. It is the same with people who win the lottery. A poor person can win a million dollars, but if there isn’t a change in that persons thinking it won’t be long before the million dollars is gone and they will be living just like they were before they won it. There are documented reports of this very thing. This is even true of some actors who made tons of money yet at the end of their life they were broke. So much of the time we think the problem is a lack of money, but more money won’t fix a situation or circumstance that has been created by a mindset that is unscriptural. Our mind must be renewed in knowledge in the image of our creator in order to know what Gods will is, which is why consistent reading and studying of the scriptures is essential in our life.
I believe this is one of the reasons why many Christians will never experience the abundance God could give them because the problem isn’t a lack of money but an unwillingness to renew their minds. Abundance in any form without knowledge brings destruction. A previous pastor once said, “Money doesn’t make a person, it only makes them more of what they already are”. I believe this is one reason why God in his mercy doesn’t bless everyone with it.
The other area where the spirit has been changing my wineskin concerns my mindset about being a wife and mother, keeping house, cooking and all that stuff. Because of my past I drew so much of my worth and value from how clean I kept my house how I cooked for my family, did laundry and all that June Cleaver stuff. Those things have their place, but for me they were not in the right place and most of my life I lived confined to the box my misplaced worth and value kept me, otherwise known as bondage. Thank God Jesus sets us free! There is no point in the Lord giving me a vision or anyone else for that matter if our ability to fulfill it can’t compete with the wrong perception we have about who we were created to be.