• God's Discipline cont...

    This is kind of a continuation of my previous post as I have continued to meditate on what the Lord showed me.

    "Anything that denies Jesus' right to our heart is an idol which He will confront."---Frances Frangipane

          Rarely if not ever will you find an issue with an idol that you don’t also find a wrong perception of God. In other words, we make Him to be a God in our own image in order to justify the idol we don’t want Him confronting in the first place. 

         It is amazing how the Lord can use one little thing to expose a wrong condition of heart we didn’t even know we had.  We are masters at deceiving ourselves in order to justify our disobedience, yet hardship or suffering is never an excuse to disobey the Lord. I have to admit that I forget that sometimes. 
         One thing we must remember, when the Lord deals with us about our financial affairs,  it is never about the money, it is always about what is going on in our heart because that is where the real issue is.  When we get things in our heart right, the rest takes care of itself. God does not need our money but He does want to know He can trust us with it. It’s harder to see a wrong condition of heart where money is concerned if you’re faithful with your tithes and offerings. Just because we don’t steal or handle money in a way deemed criminal doesn’t mean it’s all good either. Remember the tree in the garden of Eden was a tree of the knowledge of both good and evil.  We may reject the evil easy enough, but good isn’t good enough when it comes to the things of God. It’s either God’s way, which is from the Tree of Life and therefore produces life. I never cease to be amazed at the junk God can expose in me from time to time.

    Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Lord, and teach out of Your law, Psalm 94:12 (Amplified )

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